The third international edition of the symposium on Technetium and Other Radiometals in Chemistry and Medicine (TERACHEM 2018), was held September 26-29, 2018 and continued the long tradition of the previous symposia on Technetium and Rhenium in Chemistry and Nuclear Medicine. As a unique trait, the TERACHEM Symposium focuses on recent advances in radiometal coordination chemistry, and on new applications of radiometal-containing molecules in pre-clinical and clinical imaging and radiotherapy.
As in previous editions, the conference venue was Bressanone (BZ), Italy, a charming town located in northern Italy, between the Garda Lake and the Austrian border. The Bressanone area offers spectacular views of the Dolomites.
We had a great time learning and networking. Below is a group photo taking during our social evening.
To view the TERACHEM 2018 photo albums, CLICK HERE.