SRS-TT Mission

The SRS-TT is a forum for SRS members who are students and early career researchers in the radiopharmaceutical sciences which aims to: 

  • Serve as a platform for networking, collaborations and showcasing members' research

  • Provide access to experienced researchers and their expertise

  • Promote awareness of employment opportunities and training programs

  • Provide access to career planning and mentorship

If you are an early career researcher and are interested in taking part and shaping this new initiative, please send an email to thinktank(at)


  • Gregory Bowden, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Germany

  • Jessica Bridoux, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium

  • Imma Carbo-Bague, Simon Fraser University, Canada

  • Melissa Deri, Lehman College/CUNY, USA

  • Chiara Favaretto, IRCCS Ospedale Sacro Cuore Don Dalabria, Italy

  • Swen Humpert, Forschungzentrum Jülich, Germany

  • Bieneke Janssen, Radboud University Medical Center, The Netherlands

  • Sarandeep Kaur, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Germany

  • Thomas Keller, University of Turku, Finland

  • Janke Kleynhans, KU Leuven, Belgium

  • Anna Krzyczmonik, NOMATEN, Poland

  • Longbo Li, University of Missouri-Columbia, USA

  • Maarten Ooms, SCK.CEN, Belgium

  • Valery Radchenko, TRIUMF, Canada

  • Cindy Rodriguez, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Centre, USA

  • Antonio Shengani, King's College London, UK

  • Marianna Tosato, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy