Preliminary Program
The program committee developed this preliminary program following their in-person meeting in January. Expect some adjustments between now and the beginning of the meeting. If you select the below image of the schedule, it will open in a bigger, separate window.
Program Committee Members
Anu Airaksinen, Turku PET Center, Finland
Joong-Hyun Chun, Yonsei University College of Medicine, South Korea
Cathy S. Cutler, Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA
Bieneke Janssen-Linnemans, Radboud University Medical Center, Netherlands
Michael Kassiou, University of Sydney, Australia
Yuji Kuge, Hokkaido University, Japan
Suzanne Lapi, University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA
Melissa Latter, Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital, Australia
Jason Lewis, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, USA
Giancarlo Pascali, University of New South Wales, Australia
Annukka Perkins, Nucleus RadioPharma, USA
Federica Pisaneschi, UT Health Science Center, Houston, USA
Valery Radchenko, TRIUMF, Canada
Peter Scott, University of Michigan, USA
Danielle Vugts, Amsterdam UMC, Netherlands