Eyal Mishani, PhD, Hadassah Medical OrganizationHADASSAH MEDICAL ORGANIZATION
Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Radiochemistry
Dear Fellow,
We, at the Cyclotron/Radiochemistry Facility at the Hadassah University Hospital in Jerusalem, Israel, are looking for a post-doctoral fellow in radiochemistry for a period of 2-3 years. If you have an interest in this position or are acquainted with someone who has a broad-based experience in fluorine-18 and carbon-11 chemistry and automation, please contact me via email. The post-doctoral fellow will be mainly involved in two projects, including (i) development of fluorine-18 labeled ammonium salt derivatives for myocardial perfusion PET-imaging, and (ii) carbon-11, fluorine-18 and iodine-124 labeling of low-MW tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) for PET imaging of EGFR-positive tumors in oncology. The selected candidate will be granted full scholarship.
The Cyclotron Radiochemistry facility at Hadassah hospital operates two cyclotrons, a small animal-dedicated PET/ CT, and fully equipped radiochemistry and pre-clinical laboratories enabling the production and research of various radiolabeled compounds. The facility personnel includes permanent experienced engineers, chemists and biologists who will support and assist any activity carried out by the selected postdoc candidate.
For further information and submission of CV, please contact Prof. Eyal Mishani at mishani (at) ekmd.huji.ac.il