SRS President-Elect, Albert D. Windhorst
One of the key benefits of SRS membership is complimentary subscription (e-only) to Nuclear Medicine and Biology. The journal affords us the opportunity to review some of the newest and best research being conducted by our colleagues. But the main purpose of this blog post is to encourage you to interact with fellow radiopharmaceutical science professionals by (1) planning to participate in ISRS 2013 and (2) participating in this new SRS blog.
(1) Abstract submission for the 20th International Symposium on Radiopharmaceutical Sciences (ISRS 2013) opens on October 16, 2012 and closes on December 18, 2012. Please don't miss this opportunity to attend this event and interact with your colleagues. ISRS 2013 will be held in Jeju, Korea from May 12 to May 17, 2013. This symposium represents the most important symposium series within our field.
(2) SRS leaders and guests will regularly post to this blog, and the goal is not merely to inform you, but to interact with one another. There is almost no end to possible topics, so please comment letting us know which topics you would like to see discussed within the next few months. I would like to see this blog evolve into a very useful forum and interactive tool for our society.
We solicit suggestions for further improvement of the site. Please submit your input as a comment to this post or through the Contact page. This site has been created with you in mind, and we want to continue to improve it with your input.
The SRS takes care of its members, so please renew your membership for 2013!
Albert D. Windhorst, SRS President-Elect